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Charisma Mae

Dense and unassumed

Any combination of an articulate Owen Wilson and witty Vince Vaughn is worth watching. This tandem way goes back in 2005 Wedding Crashers. But I’m not here to discuss about showbiz or movies for that matter. This shouldn’t even be considered as a movie review. I only wanted to make this movie a highlighter for what seemed to be a major concern in our society. To what it really means growing old and be left behind by the technology-wave taking place as the norm. Growing up in the 90’s is a great, great privilege. A lot of defining transitions happened then. It marks the birth of technology and the rise of digital warfare so my childhood was a mixture of playing outside in the dirt while wishing for a Super Mario video game. But for some of us, it's quite a struggle. If you’re not a technology-inclined person, having fun would be challenging these days or worse, correlating with children can be confusing for an aging parent.

Another alarming thing is battling with younger generation as your competition for a job. It’s a tough corporate jungle out there. The demand gets more intricate by the minute. The realization that companies hire fresh and younger associates poses a threat. Your long history of experience might not be relevant anymore. On the flip side, granting that you graduate from an Ivy-League school doesn’t guarantee you a job, moreover a successful life ahead. A common crisis facing our post grads today. Unemployment rate is going higher as we speak. In the movie, Billy & Nick (Wilson & Vaughn) got fired from a job they’ve been doing for years (basically most of their adult life). At first they tried to survive by doing meager jobs as salesmen and attempted to settle down for less. But then an “aha-moment” descended upon Billy and he started to apply for an Internship program at Google. Though its questionable if this could happen in real life considering the job market is one heck of a labyrinth decked with strict qualifications. Always demanding your edge in comparison to others. But what gives? It’s a story about adaptation. About how it doesn’t matter what point you are in life as long as you approach it with the stamina of an eager learner.

<h2>It bridges the generation.</h2>

What separates the young from the old? At what point can you exactly say, “ I’m old and irrelevant!” It is both a drag and dreadful to think that you won't be able to bring anything substantial to the table. As an entrepreneur we would do anything that would make us feel useful and needed. We innovate because we wanted to contribute growth to the society. However, we must reflect that coming to a certain age won’t mean we know everything. Welcoming ideas and being open about how things works in the present will help us become better innovators. This movie indicates that haggling teamwork with younger generations is a two-way street that will benefit both parties. We learn from each other. We can impart them with our wisdom and they can teach us how to keep up with being “cool” so to speak. If there are more things this movie has taught me it is the following:

<dl class="importance"><dt></dt><dd>


<li>A combination of being street-smart and field-wise is an edge</li>

<li>The ability to adjust to the present condition is essential for survival</li>

<li>Again, knowing what you want to do in life and pursuing it. No more no less</li>

<li>Give a little, make room for leisure in your life. </li>

<li>Be who you are and go from there</li>



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