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What is in a Japanese 'Health Check-up' List?

Charisma Mae

How to get the Japanese health check certificate in 2 easy steps.

In Japan, it is customary to get an annual health check up. This is mostly a requirement for all company employees even those that are working part-time/ contractual. Mostly, you have to do this at your own volition and submit the health check certificate to your employee as a proof that you are physically healthy and capable to do your job. All you have to do is follow the easy steps in this article.

How to get the Japanese health check certificate in 2 easy steps.

Step 1: First, you need to go a nearest clinic and tell the receptionist that you need to get a 'kenkoushindan' =(健康診断 in japanese). The clinic may ask you what kind of exam you want to get and you can show them the following list:

1. Tuberculosis test (either x-ray or skin test)

2. Height

3. Weight

4. Vision

5. Condition (sound) of your heart and lungs

6. Blood pressure

7. Urinalysis

In Japanese it is the following:

1. レントゲン 〜 結核検診


3. 体重

4. 視力




Step 2: After the exam, be sure to get the 'kenkoushindansho' (健康診断書) or the health check certificate. The certificate cost should be no more than 5,000¥. After the physical examination, the staff will let you wait in the lobby. And they will call you afterwards to collect the said certificate. You can usually get it on the same day but in some cases you may be asked to return to the clinic to pick it up after a few days.

The certificate should generally look like this:

How to get the Japanese health check certificate in 2 easy steps

This is how it should suppose to look like if you are 'healthy' per se meaning you don't have any illness or medical condition that needs serious medical attention.

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